Joint meeting of the Board of Directors of OJSC “MOESK” took place in 13 November 2009. Among other issues of the agenda, the report on measures aimed at shift towards RAB-method based regulation of electric energy transmission services and amended “Regulations on provision of insurance of OJSC “MOESK”” have been approved.
To remind, the Company has carried out all necessary measures under shift to the RAB-method such as estimation of the basic capital base, implementation of meetings with regulators in Moscow and the Moscow Region, formation of long-term investment program, and calculation of long-term operational costs.
The Board of Directors has also approved owning of shares in authorized capital of “Energostroy” Non-Profit Partnership by OJSC “MOESK” and approved conditions of the agreement on rendering services on implementation of audit of OJSC “MOESK” consolidated financial statements due to IFRS between OJSC “MOESK” and “KPMG” CJSC.
* Electric Grid Builders Partnership has been established on 16 July 2009 with assistance of JSC “IDGC Holding”. Establishment of “Energystroy” became a logic finishing of the unifying process in the field of electric grid self-regulation. The Non-profit Partnership unites more than 300 contracting building organizations from the country’s 58 regions from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok with total number of 120 thousand participants.