Moscow, April 1 2005. CenterTelecom (MICEX: CTLK, CTLK?; OTC: CRMUY) reports that starting March 31, 2005, after the company's stock trading was suspended due to the conversion of the earlier placed CenterTelecom shares into the shares of the same category (type) with a greater par value, CenterTelecom common registered and preferred registered Type A shares trading was resumed at Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange.
Pursuant to the Resolution of Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange Management as of 29.03.2005 (Minutes ?27) and the Resolution of Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange General Director ?49-R as of 30.03.2005 CenterTelecom stock is included in Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange Quotation List B.
On February 22, 2005, RF Federal Service For Financial Markets registered the reports on the results of CenterTelecom securities issue, which was carried out according to the decision to increase the Company's size of authorized capital by increasing the par value of the shares from RUR 0.3 to RUR 3.0 each passed at CenterTelecom general annual meeting on June 11, 2004.
The number of common shares in the issue totals 1 578 006 833, the total volume of the issue is RUR 4 734 020 499. On December 16, 2004 the issue was assigned state registration number 1-04-00194-A.
The number of preferred shares in issue totals 525 992 822, the total volume of the issue is RUR 1 577 978 466. On December 16, 2004 the issue was assigned state registration number 2-04-00194-A.
For more information please contact:
Director of Securities and Corporate Management Department Elena Romskaya +7(095)793-23-19 E-mail:
Head of Investors Relations Department Andrey Kalinchenko +7(095)793-23-40 E-mail:
Director of Information Policy Department Yana Lavrentyeva +7(095)793-24-86 E-mail:
CenterTelecom is a leading fixed telecommunications company providing a wide range of telecom services in the Central Federal District, where over 20% of the population of Russia resides. CenterTelecom offers the full range of telecommunication services, including fixed telephony, Internet, IP-telephony, data transmission, cable TV, wired and VHF broadcasting. The company actively develops modern multiservice and SDH networks as well as new WLL systems. The Company trades on RTS (ESMO, ESMOP), Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (CTEL, CTELP) and has ADR Level 1 common stock program (CRMUY).