On 19 September 2003, the Russian national daily "Kommersant" published the rating of the Managers Association and of the publishing house "Kommersant" entitled "The 1000 Highest Professional Managers of Russia". The following three JSC CenterTelecom managers formed part of rating Group A: the Corporate General Director Mr. Ruben Amaryan, Director of the VoronezhSvyazInform Affiliate Company Mr. Alexander Khaustovich, and Director of the IvTelecom Affiliate Company Mr. Gennadiy Brusentsev. Eight (8) more CenterTelecom managers were included in the other rating groups.
The experts evaluated not only the managers' professionalism, but their professional reputation too. At the first level of selection, the managers per se split according to their companies' industrial field of activity were evaluated, taking into consideration whose company's contribution to the Gross Domestic Product proved to be the most significant. At the second level, the criterion of the public interest towards the work of a manager was the rate of his/her business performance positive citation in the Russian and other press media.
The international consulting company "Deloitte & Touche" was official auditor of the Russian managers' professional reputation rating.