The ceremony of conferment of one of the most authoritative and prestigious ratings of the Russian business community was held at the RIA "Novosti" (the "News" Russian Information Agency, Eng.) Office. Messrs. Dmitriy Zelenin, President of the Managers Association, Sergey Litovchenko, Executive Director of the Association, Alexander Dynin, Director of the Association's Research Center, and Andrey Vassiliev, Director of the Publishing House "Kommersant" took part in the press conference held on the occasion.
About 470 experts from amongst the research employees of the government specialized institutions, non-commercial industrial branch-wise or regional business associations, investment companies, banks, consulting firms, and of communication mass media took part in developing the rating.
The systemic integrative approach underlies the basics of the rating, which is intended to take into consideration as much as possible all the parameters that characterize the professional reputation of a manager. The principal difference of the present-year rating from the previous ones is that the experts evaluated the professional reputation of representatives of the business community and not the financial and economic indicators of the companies they are at the helm of.
The international consulting company "Deloitte&Touche" was the official auditor of the fourth rating.
In addition to Mr. Mikhail Smirnov who is among the three rating leaders as the OJSC "MTS" President, the field-of-activity ratings were conferred on the PJSC MGTS First Deputy General Director Mr. Semion V. Rabovskiy (List "A" - "The 200 Highest Professional Commercial Directors" rating), PJSC MGTS Deputy General Director Mr. Victor Chervony (List "A" - "The 200 Highest Professional Finance Directors" rating), Vice President of the PJSC "Sistema-Telecom" Mr. Rashit Zamaldinov (as PJSC MGTS Deputy General Director, List "A" - "The 200 Highest Professional IT-Directors"), and PJSC MGTS Director for Personnel Mr. Vladimir Afonin (List "A" - "The 200 Highest Professional Human Resources Directors" rating).
Likewise, the PJSC MGTS management team was recorded 23rd in the highest professional management teams list.