17 February 2004, Moscow. The Annual Report of Public Joint Stock Company Moscow City Telephone Network (MGTS) was acclaimed the winner of the yearly contest of annual reports.
The annual report of the Public Joint Stock Company Moscow City Telephone Network was announced the winner in the "Genre Classics" (the form) and a laureate in the "Informational Saturation" (the content) nominations of the Yearly Annual Rerports Contest conducted by the “Expert” journal, expert support being rendered by PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Sixty (60) Russian biggest companies and banks took part in the Contest. The Expert Council of the Contest which comprised officials of this country's highest state authorities and representatives of the Russian business elite, when evaluating the nominee companies in strict conformance with the worldwide standards, gives, traditionally, this company credit for the concept and design of its annual reports presented for consideration. Noteworthily, the PJSC MGTS annual report for 2001 was already named the winner of the Contest in the "Genre Classics" nomination.