Preparing the PJSC MGTS telephone directory, the Company's specialists used the database of the biggest local telephone communication operator in Russia, which contains official and the latest PJSC MGTS subscriber data and that relating to customers of other Moscow telecommunications companies.
For the user convenience, the "Moscow-2004" telephone directory was recorded and released on electronic media.
The "Moscow-2004" Telephone Directory contains the data on over 100 000 organizations and enterprises of the capital-city, which are allocated in alphabetical retrieval index, making up about 2 000 rubrics. The information in the rubrics is arranged alphabetically according to the names of the organizations. Some individual rubrics contain data concerning the organizations and enterprises of the Moscow Region.
To facilitate the search for the requisite information, a detailed reference system is entered into the alphabetical retrieval index enabling to seek the needful rubric with a key word.
Besides, there is a data portion in the directory carrying the most important information respecting the telephone numbers of emergency, information and directory, as well as custom services of Moscow, country and city telephone codes, the international and long-distance communications operating rules, and an exhaustive map of the city of Moscow. For user convenience, customary and proprietary abbreviations, word and name abbreviations and acronyms are specified in the directory, the list of which is also inserted into its information pages.
At present, one can use the MGTS telephone directory free of charge as its books are kept gratis in the booths for the Company's public payphones installed in the underground stations, hotels and trading centers, theaters and education institutions. Very soon, the “Moscow-2004” Telephone Directory will appear in the trading network facilities of the capital-city.