In Moscow Victor Rashnikov, General Director of OAO MMK had a meeting with Leonid Reiman, Minister of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the prospects of cooperation between the Russia’s biggest steel making company with the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications in implementation of the Electronic Russia federal target program (FTP). Currently the preparations are under way for signing of the agreement between the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications, Federal Agency for Information Technologies and Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works on cooperation within the framework of Electronic Russia federal target program for 2004 – 2010. The draft of the agreement envisages in particular joint efforts for development of the schedules of implementation of the FTP at MMK's site, cooperation in the course of preparation and implementation of these aspects. The administration of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the RF is very much interested in the practical implementation of the Electronic Russia FTP on the basis of cooperation with the biggest enterprises of the real sector of the Russian economy. It is possible to single out the basic directions along which Magnitka can cooperate with the Ministry within the framework of the Electronic Russia FTP. First of all, MMK being the largest exporter is interested in timely VAT restitution and in most rapid fulfillment of the customs formalities. Speeding up the dialog with the State Tax Committee of the RF using electronic communication and less time for VAT restitution can result in discontinuance of withdrawal of the additional circulating assets. Presently the Magnitogorsk customs house has been included into the pilot projects for establishment of the unified state system of control of the shipments of goods from the customs’ territory of the Russian Federation. The other direction of cooperation resides in the establishment of the practice of electronic data exchange with the tax inspections on the municipal, regional and federal levels, all this being of the utmost importance for MMK, because it is one of the biggest tax payers of the country. Finally, MMK is interested in creation of the unified clearing center on the basis of the state-of-the-art technologies which will allow for solving the problem of the perpetual indebtedness of the municipality before the largest city forming enterprise for the supply of the industrial services (heat, electri8c power, etc). The unified clearing center will allow to effect mutual settlements within one calendar month. There are also other initiatives for possible cooperation of MMK with the governmental structures in implementation of the Electronic Russia FTP. Presently the information technology structure at MMK is the most developed in the domestic steel industry. Magnitka was the first to start implementation of the unified corporate information system on the basis of Oracle software products. The system will be used for the whole plant and not only for some operational sectors. The contract value is around $ 20 million.
Information and Public Relations AdministrationOAO MMK