2500 mm Skin-Pass Mill was commissioned at OAO Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works after revamping. In the course of revamping the entry section of the Mill was entirely changed. It is expected that revamping will result in quality improvement of produced steel products. Start-up and adjustment work is still underway , but the Mill will reach its design capacity by the end of the week. In the middle of October similar revamping was accomplished at 1700 ?? Skin-Pass Mill in the same shop. The mill entry section was changed and strip preparation area was introduced. ZAO Stroitelny Complex was the general contractor under the Project. According to the Revamping Schedule of Rolling Shop # 5 cutting line No 5 will be shutdown from the tenth of November for a week period for installation of oilers, and from the seventeenth of November cutting line No 4 will be shutdown for the similar procedure. One of these days a continuous pickling line 1 was put into operation in the pickling department of Rolling Shop # 5. Thus a comprehensive revamping program of Rolling Shop No 5 is nearly completed. This program became one of the large-scale revamping project realized at OAO MMK during the last decade. The total annual economic benefit from the comprehensive revamping will amount at RUR 2 bl.
Information and Public Relations Administration , OAO MMK