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LSR Group

May 3, 2017

Date and agenda of Board of Directors

LSR Group (LSE: LSRG; MOEX: LSRG) announces a meeting of the Board of Directors to be held on May 5, 2017, with the following agenda: 

1. Control of reliability and effectiveness of the Company’s Corporate Governance,
2. Review of the performance evaluation of the Board, the Company’s executive bodies and key managers,
3. Analysis of professional qualification and independence of all candidates nominated to Board of Directors of the Company,
4. Determination of the price (monetary valuation) of the Company’s assets, which may directly or indirectly be disposed due to execution of Guarantee and Pledge Agreements,
5. Inclusion of the issue on the approval of transactions under Article 83 of the Russian Federal Law «On Joint-Stock Companies» into the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders,
6. Inclusion of the issue on the approval of the Company’s revised Charter into the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders,
7. Inclusion of the issue on the revised Regulation on the Company’s Board of Directors into the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders,
8. Inclusion of the issue on the approval of the amended Regulation on General Meetings of Shareholders into the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders,
9. Approval of the Company’s IFRS auditors and RAS statements for 2017. Determination of the auditors’ fees,
10. Distribution of the Company’s profit for 2016, including dividend payments and the record date,
11. Calling of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders,
12. Approval of the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, 
13. Review the Board’s report on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, 
14. Approval of the procedure for informing the persons entitled to participate in the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders about the Company’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders,
15. Approval of the list of materials to be provided to the persons entitled to participate in the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to prepare for the Company’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, 
16. Approval of the form and content of the voting ballots for the Company’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and definition of the solutions regarding Annual General Meeting of Shareholders that shall be submitted electronically (as electronic documents) to the nominee shareholders recorded in the register,
17. Approval of the Chairman and Secretary of the Company’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, 
18. Preliminary approval of the Company’s annual report for 2016, prepared in accordance with the requirements of the stock market regulations,
19. Approval of the report on related-party transactions,
20. Approval of transactions in accordance with the Company’s Charter,
21. Subsequent approval of transactions specified in Chapter XI of the Federal Law “On Joint-Stock Companies”.

For more information please contact:
LSR Group Press Service
E-mail: press@lsrgroup.ru



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