The Gazprom Headquarters hosted today a working meeting between Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Company’s Management Committee and Igor Slyunyaev, Governor of the Kostroma Oblast.
The meeting focused on issues surrounding the state of gasification of the Kostroma Oblast. In particular, the parties touched upon the possibility of constructing several inter-settlement pipelines not included in the 2008 construction schedule and increasing this year the funding of inter-settlement pipeline construction in the Oblast.
The meeting stressed the necessity for the Kostroma Oblast Administration to timely implement the gasification schedule.
The Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom and the Kostroma Oblast authorities was signed in October 2004, the Accord on Gasification – in November 2001.
In 2007 Gazprom supplied the Kostroma Oblast with nearly 4 bcm of gas. The identical volumes are also slated for the current year. The Oblast has no gas arrears. As of February 1, 2008, advance payments accounted for RUR 308.52 mln.
The average gasification level in the Kostroma Oblast totals 51.4 per cent, with 66 per cent in cities and towns and 20.2 per cent in the rural area. The identical figures throughout Russia average 62, 67 and 44 per cent respectively.
Between 2001 and 2007 Gazprom invested over RUR 1.651 bln to gasify the Kostroma Oblast, including RUR 500 mln in 2007. In 2007 these funds were used to complete the construction of four and launch the construction of eight inter-settlement pipelines. In 2008 Gazprom will allocate RUR 200 mln to gasify the Oblast.