Gazprom website has improved its performance in the FT Bowen Craggs Index 2012 , a ranking of corporate web effectiveness, and earned 175 points (adding 10 to the last-year points), thus advancing by 7 positions. We are on the 39th place among 81 corporate websites of the word's largest companies by market capitalization. From the moment our new website had been launched, our ranking rose by 30 positions.
The British consulting agency Bowen Craggs & Co jointly with Financial Times annually publishes the ranking of corporate web efficiency represented by the FT Global 500 list of public companies.
The FT Bowen Craggs Index ranking provides a comprehensive evaluation of web estates of the world's largest companies by market capitalization.
The top three places in the 2012 ranking were taken by the websites of Royal Dutch Shell, BP and Eni.
Besides Gazprom, the Russian business segment in the 2012 Index is represented by Sberbank and Rosneft that rank 37th and 70th accordingly.