Moscow. 28 November 2007. Boris Vainzikher, member of the Management Board and Technical Director of RAO "UES of Russia", chaired the All-Russia Meeting/Seminar of Technical Directors of subsidiaries and dependent companies of RAO "UES of Russia" held in St. Petersburg. The meeting was attended by all chief technical officers of all RAO UES generation and power grid companies, as well as chief engineers of the key power stations.
The event participants gathered to discuss the most pressing issues of cooperation among energy companies in order to ensure reliable power supply during the 2006/2007 autumn-winter period and in the future, as well as efficient interaction of energy companies with the local authorities and fuel suppliers.
Within the framework of the meeting, seminars were held to update the officers on the products offered by the leading power engineering companies such as OAO "Power Machines" – "Leningradsky Metallichesky Zavod", Turbine Blades Plant, Electrosila, Electropult Plant, Sevkabel, and North-West IDA – a subsidiary of the System Operator.
The participants noted the informativeness and good organization of the event and its importance for the autumn-winter period preparation and operations.