Moscow, 18 April 2008. The Management Board of OAO RAO "UES of Russia" approved drafts of standard form of connection agreements and the "Standard for information disclosure on requests from power consumers and other owners of power grid facilities for connection to the power grids, the results of their review, and the timing for connection measures".
RAO "UES of Russia" has produced these documents in order to increase transparency of the connection process and safeguard the customers' interests.
The Standard imposes uniform requirements on grid companies in respect of disclosure and availability of complete information on connection of natural persons and corporate entities to power grids, including:
- information on requests for connection of energy consuming devices to the power grids received by grid companies;
- information on the results of review of such requests;
- information on the implementation of measures relating to connection of energy consuming devices to power grids;
- other information that natural persons and corporate entities may need to take a decision about technological connection of energy consuming devices to the power grids.
Standard agreements will govern the relationships between grid companies and various groups of consumers in the connection process.
We invite you to participate in the discussion of these documents. Your suggestions will be considered in the course of preparation of the final draft of standard agreements and the Standard which will be submitted to the RAO UES Management Board on 12 May 2008 and will then be implemented at all RAO UES grid companies.
You may submit your comments and suggestions by e-mail to not later than 5 May 2008.