Washington, 12 November 2007 RAO UES Management Board Member and Chairman of the Management Board of OAO "HydroWGC" Vyacheslav Sinyugin took part in the meeting of the working group of the global initiative "3C: Combat Climate Change"*, which discussed the "3C Initiative Roadmap", a plan to combat global warming.
The 3C Initiative was launched on 11 January 2007. It seeks to provide support to the initiatives to combat climate changes from businesses and to create a regulatory framework and mechanisms for the post-Kyoto era. Next year, RAO "UES of Russia" plans to launch its 3C Initiative Programme in Russia and involve Russian political and business community in its implementation. This will enhance efficiency of the joint efforts being undertaken to resolve the global environmental problems.
Nature conservation is one of the Company's priorities. RAO UES was the among the first companies to start projects under the Kyoto mechanisms. In 2005, two subsidiaries of RAO "UES of Russia"—OAO "Orenburgenergo" and OAO "Khabarovskenergo"—signed agreements with the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (DEPA) on the sale of "emissions reductions units" (ERUs) generated by the modernization projects at two of their power plants.
* The initiative’s 46 members include the following leading global companies: ABB, AIG, Alcan, Alstom, Areva, Bayer, BP, British Sky Broadcasting, Centrica, CEZ Group, China National Offshore Oil Corp, Citigroup, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Post, DONG Energy, Dow Chemical, Duke Energy, EnBW, Endesa, Enel, E.ON, Eskom, Fortum, General Electric, Hitachi, Iberdrola, Lufthansa, MAN, Munich Re Group, MVM, Norske Skog, NRG Energy, Nuon, Otto Group, PG & E, PNM Resources, RAO "UES of Russia", Reuters, SAP, SAS, Siemens, SUEZ, The Tata Power Company, Vattenfall, Veolia, Wallenius Lines. For more information, or to view a copy of The Roadmap in full, visit the 3C Web site at www.combatclimatechange.org.