Moscow, 28 December 2004. The Management Board of RAO "UES of Russia" approved the Procurement Standards for the entities of RAO "UES of Russia" Holding Company and adopted the first three of them.
The adopted documents contain the principal provisions, terms and definitions relating to procurement, methods of procurement, and conditions for the selection of procurement procedures at the Holding Company's entities. Besides, the Standards determine the procurement management system and describe the procedures to control the organization of procurement.
The adoption of the Standards will help increase the effectiveness of procurement at the enterprises of RAO "UES of Russia" Holding Company. The introduction of the Standards will help bring the procurement regulations in line with the new governance principles and organizational structure of RAO "UES of Russia".
The content of the Procurement Standards was approved by the Central Tender Commission of RAO "UES of Russia", which includes, besides RAO UES officers, officials from the Federal Energy Service, the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the Federal Tariffs Service, the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia, and the Economic Policy Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
In order to control compliance by RAO UES entities with the Procurement Standards, tracking software application is being developed within the information and trading system "Market for products, services and technologies for the electricity industry" (B2B-Energo, website: This software will incorporate the Standards and will be used by the Trading Organizer through all stages of procurement in strict accordance with the Standards.
Consequently, it will be possible to control not only the result of trading, but also the entire process of its preparation and conduct. This will help prevent errors or deviation, thus making procurement at RAO "UES of Russia" even more transparent.
The system of competitive procurement of goods, works, and services has existed in the Company since 1999. Since the creation in 2002 of the Information and Trading System "Market for Products, Services and Technologies for the Electricity Industry "B2B-energo", enterprises of RAO "UES of Russia" have started to use b2b e-trading in their procurement activities. In 2005, RAO "UES of Russia" enterprises plan to make at least 50% of their competitive procurement using e-commerce.