Moscow, 22 December 2003. Today, Russia, the CIS countries and the Baltic republics celebrate the Energy Workers' Day. This holiday was first celebrated in December 1920 in connection with the adoption of Russia's State Electrification Plan, which served as a basis for the development of the Soviet energy industry and the national economy of the country.
RAO "UES of Russia" has determined the preliminary results of its activities in 2003:
In 2003, the entities of RAO "UES of Russia" Holding ensured stable work of the Unified Energy System of Russia. They have been able to maintain the standard frequency of alternating current power (50 Hz) 100% of the time.
By year-end 2003, the regional energos and federal power plants of the Holding are expected to generate 639 TWh of electricity, up 3.5% from 2002. The Holding accounts for 71% (903.6 TWh) of the overall electricity generation in Russia. Electricity consumption in Russia is expected to grow 3.3% to 891.3 TWh from 2002, which is due to the increased industrial production and lower outdoor temperatures in the first quarter of 2003 compared to the same period last year.
According to estimates, in 2003, the heat supplies by the enterprises of RAO "UES of Russia" will increase 8.4 million Gcal to 478.2 million Gcal from 2002.
In 2002, as a result of implementation of cost management programs, the energy companies of the Holding reduced their costs by RUB18 billion, which makes 5.2% of the commercial output less the "irreducible" expenses. The key drivers in cost reduction are migration to competitive procurement of fuel and repair and maintenance works, decreasing the production losses, and introduction of new efficient technologies.
Full and timely payments for the fuel supplied to the Holding's power plants and close contacts with fuel suppliers and the Ministry of Railways have been key to ensuring reliable fuel supply. In 2003, the power plants of the RAO UES Holding received 115,3 million tonnes of coal (a 10.5% increase from 2002), 7.3 million tonnes of heavy fuel oil (5.8% increase), and 136,5 billion m3 of gas (3.1% increase).
The scheduled repair and maintenance work at RAO UES enterprises has been fully completed in 2003. Repairs have been made at turbines with an aggregate capacity of 40,700 MW, at power boilers with an aggregate output of 169,600 t/h, and at hot water boilers with a steam output of 9,600 Gcal/h; 679.86 km of heating networks were replaced as at 1 December 2003.
During the year, RAO "UES of Russia" has invested RUB 78.7 billion in the facilities of the UES of Russia, a 30.2% increase from 2002. Two hydroelectric turbine units of 185 MW each, and the second generating unit at Nizhnevartovskaya TPP (800 MW) have been put into operation this year. The capacity of energy facilities commissioned in 2003 (taking into account the renovation of the already existing plants) is 2,033 MW, a threefold increase compared to 2002.
RAO "UES of Russia" sends holiday greetings to all energy workers of Russia and wishes them happiness, health, prosperity, and great success in the New Year.