Moscow, 15 December. The Council meeting was attended by top managers and officials from NP "ATS", OAO "Federal Grid Company of UES of Russia" (FGC), OAO "UES SO-CDA", Concern "Rosenergoatom", Gosenergonadzor (State Energy Control and Conservation Department), and the Ministry of Energy of Russia.
The Council was established pursuant to the order of the Chairman of the Management Board of RAO "UES of Russia" "On measures to increase the system security of the UES of Russia in the course of energy industry reform" released in October this year.
The Council is a permanent coordination and advisory body established by RAO "UES of Russia" and agreed upon with the Ministry of Energy of Russia, Rosenergoatom, and NP "ATS". Its mission is to coordinate activities in the electricity sector aimed at working out a strategy for the reequipment and upgrade of energy facilities, strengthening and developing the UES of Russia and the technological infrastructure needed for the management of the UES and the wholesale electricity market, and organizing and launching a market for additional system-related services.
The meeting reviewed the draft plan of the Council's activities in 2003-2004, which includes a series of measures to improve the regulatory framework and organisational and technical basis for the UES operation.
The Council heard a report of the Chairman of the Management Board of OAO "UES SO-CDA" Victor Pauli covering the causes of the August 14th Blackout in the USA. Upon review of the report, it was decided to draw up a document containing the analysts' findings. This document is to be used in the work to improve the UES operation. Anatoly Chubais emphasised that system security of the UES of Russia is an absolute priority in the Russian electricity reform.