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Financial Corporation "Sistema"

November 17, 2020

Sistema attracts first ESG financing from Sberbank

Moscow, 17 November 2020  Sistema PJSFC (Sistema or the Corporation) (LSE: SSA, MOEX: AFKS), a publicly traded diversified Russian holding company, is pleased to announce that it has agreed with PJSC Sberbank to open a RUB 10 billion framework credit line, with the option to tie the interest rate on each loan to sustainability performance (Sustainability Improvement Loan). The proceeds will be used for general corporate needs.

By entering this agreement, Sistema has committed to adopting its Environmental Policy and integrating responsible investment principles into its investment process. Sustainable development is an integral part of Sistema's strategy, and will be established as one of the key benchmarks for investment decision-making and asset management.

Vladimir Travkov, Sistema Vice President for Finance, commented:

The new agreement with Sberbank confirms our commitment to the principles of sustainability and our readiness to promote the ESG agenda in Russia. This is the first ESG loan deal between a Russian company and a Russian bank, and we are pleased to be setting a new standard for responsible investment in the country's economy.

Alexander Vedyakhin, First Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board, Sberbank:

ESG Environmental, Social, and Governance  is a global development trend behind effective and sustainable businesses. Itâ hard to overestimate its importance for investors, customers, and the country in general. Sber is set out with the aim to become an ESG leader. Therefore, the loan agreement with our partner, the diversified holding company Sistema PJSFC, is extremely important as a precedent for the evolution of market products that allow stakeholders to capitalize on the principles of responsible business development across verticals. We are going to keep developing ESG lending for our customers who are introducing sustainable development approaches pro-actively.

Background information

In 2019, Sistema launched a comprehensive review of its sustainability and responsible investment management. The Board of Directors of the Corporation approved an ESG action plan to improve the sustainability of the investment portfolio, based on indicators of corporate governance, social and environmental responsibility. In 2020, a new version of Sistema Corporate Governance Code, developed in line with international best ESG practices, was approved. The same year, Sistema adopted its first Sustainability Policy, providing clear guidelines for corporate responsibility.

The transformation in Sistema approach to its sustainability performance has led to its improved standing in ESG ratings and indices. Since 2016, Sistema has been one of the leaders in the sustainability indices of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) and, since 2019, the Corporation's securities have been included in the composition of the Moscow Exchange - RSPP ESG indices. Sistema has also been promoted to the FTSE4Good index, upgraded its MSCI ESG rating to 'BB,' and has secured its position in a number of other ratings.


For further information, please visit www.sistema.comor contact: 

Investor Relations

Yulia Katukova

Tel: +7 (495) 692 22 88


Public Relations

Sergey Kopytov

Tel.: +7 (495) 228 15 32






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