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October 23, 2009

The FFMS of the Russian Federation has registered 10 bond issues of JSC “Atomenergoprom” for a total of 195bn RUR

On Oct. 22, 2009, the Federal Financial Market Service of the Russian Federation registered the issues and prospectus of 01-10 series bonds of Joint Stock Company “Atomic Energy Power Corporation” (JSC “Atomenergoprom”) placed via public offering guaranteed by Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation.

The issues were assigned state registration numbers 4-01-5531-Å, 4-02-5531-Å, 4-03-5531-Å, 4-04-5531-Å, 4-05-5531-Å, 4-06-5531-Å, 4-07-5531-Å, 4-08-5531-Å, 4-09-5531-Å, 4-10-5531-Å.

The nominal total amount of the 10 series of JSC “Atomenergoprom” bond loan is 195bn RUR, the maturity date is 2014 (01 – 05 series – 30bn RUR each, 06 – 09 series – 10bn RUR each, series 10 is 5bn RUR).

Annual bond coupons payment is to be provided. The specific terms of issue (offering date, coupon yield or procedure for its determination, existence of prior redemption offer, etc) will be determined by the issuer subject to approval by sponsors shortly before offering.

Bonds are planned to be placed by tranches depending on the financial needs of “Atomic Energy Power Corporations” enterprises. According to JSC “Atomenergoprom” Director of Investment policy Department Anton Kovalevsky the money raised via placement are due to channel to subsibiaries in form of loans to refund the portfolio of shorter and more expensive loans as well as to finance the investment program of nuclear power generation complex enterprises.

The decision to issue the funded loan was taken by JSC “Atomenergoprom’s” board of directors on September 7th.

As it was already announced, Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation was planning to attract significant investments into development of industry’s enterprises via its affiliate JSC Atomenergoprom. In particular, among the recipients of funds are: JSC “ENERGOATOM CONCERN” (implementation of NPPs construction program), JSC “TVEL” (modernization and renovation of nuclear fuel fabrication), JSC “Atomredmetzoloto” (development of mining assets in Russia and abroad within the framework of the established JVs), JSC “TENEX” and JSC “United Company Enrichment Sublimation Complex” (modernization and renovation of production capacities with the shift to a new generation of gas centrifuges), JSC “Atomenergomash” (investments into the development of nuclear engineering to secure the program of commissioning new NPP units).

JSC “Atomenergoprom” provides the full production cycle in nuclear energy consolidating leading enterprises and organizations of the industry with more than 60 years of history accumulating the unique experience of the whole range of nuclear fuel cycle technologies and NPP construction (as for today the consolidation perimeter of the issuer incorporates all major nuclear energy enterprises: Atomredmetzoloto, TENEX, TVEL, ENERGOATOM CONCERN, enterprises of Separation-Sublimation Complex, engineering and service, and new technologies development, etc). According to the consolidated reporting of the company, the issuer’s revenue in 2008 (excluding the joining date of its affiliated companies) was 290.5bn RUR. In the first half of 2009 the revenue was 146.5bn RUR and the net profit was 14.4bn RUR.




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