Another theft attempt of copper conductor from high-voltage electric power transmission line, which could probably end up tragically for abusers, took place in Leninskiy district of Moscow Region.
In the evening on January, 22nd 2011 there occurred switching out of OL 110 kV Saburovo-Vidnoe-1. Field service team of JSC “MOESK” found on field of state owned farm named after Lenin melted petrol-powered saw and a fragment of pipe. It is the most possible that abusers closed with a fragment of pipe line in span 46-47 what lead to its switching out. After that, attempt to cut a conductor with petroleum-powered saw was made, but at that moment emergency control automatics activated and put PTL under voltage. We mention that only during January 2011 this is the second case of unlawful interference into work of power facility – high-voltage line Saburovo-Vidnoe-1. Even location of crime is the same. We remind that on January, 9th not natural conditions but human factor interfered in restoration of electric power supply in Moscow Region. While thousands of power engineers not only from Moscow Region, but also high-grade specialists, who came for help from many regions of Russia, were eliminating consequences of ice rain on the territory of Leninskiy district, where emergency situation regime was declared, thieves stole 200 metres of copper conductor with weight of 150 kg from span 46 -47 of OL 110 kv “Saburovo – Vidnoe-1”. Representatives of JSC “MOESK” requested help from law enforcement authorities. Criminal case according to Clause “a” Part II of Article 158 “Theft offence, committed by group of persons by previous consent” was initiated by law enforcement authorities concerning the fact of theft of copper conductor. Power engineers of JSC “MOESK” filed an application to militia concerning the fact of the last incident.