Current statistics for January matches our revenue projections. In January "UTK" PJSC provided telecom services to all kinds of customers to the amount of 889.7 million rubles including 545.7 million rubles - to residents.
Revenue for January amounts to 905.7 million rubles, plan of the 1st quarter 2003 is 2 810.8 million rubles, that is, the plan is fulfilled by 32.2 percent.
Plans of telecommunications development is also being successfully fulfilled. We can state high rate of increase of basic telephone sets in January 2003: plan of the 1st quarter 2003 is 34 689 telephone sets, the plan is fulfilled by 34.7 percent, that is, growth of telephone sets constituted 12 043 sets. In January 2003 7740 telephone lines were put into operation, the plan of the 1st quarter being fulfilled by 55.5 percent. |