The cost per employee was approximately 9.4 thousand rubles. The quantity of the personal is 14,849 people. In IDGC North-West were summed up the results of 2010 related to the questions of labor protection. The total costs of IDGC North-West for these purposes amounted to 207, 13 million rubles. The cost per employee was approximately 9.4 thousand rubles. The quantity of the personal is 14,849 people.
In some branches of the IDGC North-West, costs for labor protection measures slightly increased ( in comparison with the previous year) and amounted to: "Arkhenergo" - 24,3 million rubles, "Vologdaenergo” - 38,1 million rubles, Kolenergo - 17.96 million rubles, "Pskovenergo" - 26,9 million rubles.
The most significant costs to provide the employees with means of personal protection in 2010 were recorded in such branches of IDGC North-West as "Vologdaenergo” - 31,5 million rubles, “Komienergo” - 28,4 million rubles, Novgorodenergo - 23 2 million rubles.
If we talk about the costs on labor protection per employee, the highest figure among the branches of IDGC North-West , has “Novgorodenergo” - 14,8 thousand rubles, "Arkhenergo” - 8,1 thousand rubles, Kolenergo - 8,1 thousand rubles," Pskovenergo "- 5,8 million rubles.
In 2010, IDGC North-West significantly increased costs for sanitarian measures to prevent diseases in the workplace. With 22.97 million rubles in 2009, these costs increased to 37.9 million.
Chief of the Labor protection Department, Roman Jacobson, said that the quantity of accidents related to electricity injuries have reduced.
However, the total number of reported accidents has increased. And at the first place are road accidents.