Works on HVL-10 kv reconstruction are planned to finish by the end of the fourth quarter 2010.
OJSC "IDGC North-West" "Vologdaenergo" branch continues reconstruction of distributive grids in the village Njuksenitsa located in a zone of responsibility of Velikoustjugskiye electric grids. Expenses of the enterprise for the work, carried out within the limits of the investment program - 2010 will equel 27 million roubles.
According to the words of the chief engineer of "Vologdaenergo" Anatoly Pinizhaninov, in 2010 it is planned reconstructing of 6,87 kilometres of air-lines 10 kv. Besides building of one closed transformer substation (CTS) will be carried out by capacity 250 кWA and replacement of 23 transformer substations.
Now a contract company «Mehkolonna №19» carried out a complete set of object of reconstruction by all necessary materials, installation of 16-metre ferro-concrete racks СВ-164 for support PTL . Total by the end of the second quarter it is planned to establish 33 racks of the given type.
Works on HVL-10 kv reconstruction are planned to finish by end of the fourth quarter 2010. The full program of distributive grids restoration in village Njuksenitsa is calculated for some years. Restoration of grids will allow to provide a reliable and uninterrupted electrical supply of consumers of the regional centre.