The Conference was held in the form of video conference. This form made it possible to save the time of the delegates from other regions as well as to increase their number determined by normative of employee representation. Chairmen of the territorial telecom trade-union units of the Southern Federal District were present at the studio of "UTK" PJSC general directorate.
Vladimir Lukich Gorbachev General Director of "UTK" PJSC presided at the Conference. The following two items were included in the agenda:
1. "Results of the execution of the Collective Agreements for the year 2002" (speaker - S.G. Fefilova - Deputy General Director for Economics);
2. "Conclusion of the Common Collective Agreement for the year 2003" (speaker - O.N. Tkachenko - Chairman of the territorial trade union of telecommunication workers of the Krasnodar Territory).
Polling of the regional studios determined that the Collective Agreement between "UTK" PJSC and Counsel of the Chairmen of primary trade-union units of the branches and their structural subdivision for the year 2003 had been approved by all the delegates of the Conference unanimously.
The collective Agreement was signed by Vladimir Lukich Gorbachev, General Director of "UTK" PJSC on behalf of the Employer and by ten Chairmen of the territorial telecom trade- union units of the Southern Federal District on behalf of the employees. |