By the activity results for the past year, the actual power supply by MOESK branch – Eastern electric grids amounted to 10 390,32 million kilowatt-hour. It’s almost by 360 million kilowatt-hours more than in 2009. Productive supply of electric power amounted to 9 592,15 million kilowatt-hour, and it exceeds the indicators of 2009 by 340 million kilowatt-hour. In 2010 the actual electric power supply in the grid increased by 3,61 percent, productive supply increased by 3,73 percent. Losses decreased by íŕ 1,41 percent. Actual losses of electric power for the past 12 months amounted to 798,16 million kilowatt-hours. Technological and organizational arrangements held fully in EEG (Eastern electric grids) decreased electric power losses of the branch by 69,445 million kilowatt-hours.