Scientific and technical council of Interregional distribution grid company of Volga, joint stock company will be held on March 23-24 in Saratov. Experts of management personnel, company branches, scientists, representatives of the companies dealing with methodology of the account of the electric power and manufacture of the electro technical equipment will take part in the work of Council. Participants of the Council should discuss the following questions: organization of the monitoring system of electric power quality, efficiency and unity for development of system of electric power account, modern devices of the account, decrease in losses in distributive networks. Scientific and technical councils of IDGC of Volga, JSC are spent regularly. Their problem is development of the methods responsible for realization of uniform technical policy of the company, increase of reliability of an electric grid complex, efficiency and safety of the equipment’s operation. The previous session has taken place in December, 2009, in the city of Cheboksary. The questions of introduction and use of up-ti-date devices of relay protection and automatics were discussed.