The centre of networks’ management has been has entered into commercial operation by Samara distribution networks, the branch-office of IDGC of Volga, JSC. The centre of networks’ management has been created for the organization of the centralized dispatching management by electric networks of Samara branch-office of IDGC of Volga, JSC. .Launch of the given object of distribution and a current consumption considerably raises controllability and reliability of functioning of electric systems of the company in region. Forming the centre of networks’ management of Samara branch-office of IDGC of Volga has begun in autumn, 2007 when dispatching service, incorporated 6 persons has been formed. Since May, 2008 centre of networks’ management has started to carry out in full non- operational functions: delivery of permissions to preparation of a workplace and the admission of brigades of electrical engineers to work on high-voltage lines –(voltage110 ęV), the primary analysis of emergency switching-off of the equipment and mains, timely informing of a management of branch-office and dispatcher of Central Dispatching Service of IDGC of Volga, JSC about a situation in a branch-office electroeconomy, work with applications for repair of lines and equipment, collecting of various data from production divisions. Since September, 18th, 2009 centre of networks’ management has been entered into pre-production operation in which process on separate systems remarks came to light and works on their operative elimination were spent. Pre-production operation during h months allowed to debug work of the equipment and to co-ordinate personnel actions. At present the centre of networks’ management consists of dispatching service, the central service of means of dispatching and technological management, service of relay protection and automatics, department of electric modes in which 32 qualified experts work. Now the centre of networks’ management occupies a separate building which contains all necessary equipment and functionally meets the requirements also to problems of the dispatching centre. At the organization of the centre of networks’ management activity modern technologies have found wide application. The Programmno-technical complex (PTC) provided by the PSI company is developed taking into account 30-year-old experience of construction of systems of dispatching management. It provides peak efficiency of activity of the personnel by complex automation of processes of gathering, processing, information transfer, decision-making and realizations of functions of dispatching and technological management. For time synchronisation two independent servers of time synchronizing internal time on satellite system GPS were included in structure PTC. The system of collective display of the information on a video wall consisting of several video cubes, allows the dispatcher to trace in details a situation in electric systems of the Samara region. Effective work of the hi-tech equipment demands use of various safety systems. The fire extinguishing system in server-room of the dispatching centre is capable to localize automatically the ignition in a few minutes. Launch in commercial operation of centre of networks’ management assumes that now Samara Distribution Grids branch office is functionally ready for performance of operational functions and has started independent operation of the given object. Now teamwork with Regional dispatching management on redistribution of functions of technological management and conducting by objects of scheduling is conducted. One of the key moments in this point in question decision is creation of model of commands’ passage and the organization of communication channels and transfer of the telemetering information between centre of networks’ management of Samara Distribution Grids branch office, Samara Regional Dispatching Managementt, MES Volga, Volga TGC, the Kuibyshev railway and other subjects of electric power industry located both in territory of the Samara region, and behind its limits. Input of modern hi-tech centre of networks’ management allows power specialists from the Samara distribution grids to trace a system condition in a mode of real time and in due time to correct and eliminate possible technological failures and infringements. Finally it will provide the best quality, reliability and efficiency of an electrical supply of consumers.