A unit for purification of oils and emulsions will operate at an annual capacity of 44,000 cubic meters of processed wastes a year. The equipment costs 5 million rubles. It was a design and turnkey project of Volgaecoprom (Uliyanovsk).
According to Alexander Stepanov, Severstal's technical director, new equipment will solve a number of ecological and economical problems. It will help disable outdated equipment and allow having complete processing and utilization of oils and emulsions. As a result, waste collection and storage will stop and the company payments to ecological funds will drop by 9 million rubles annually.
Additionally, as old equipment, which processed old waste through burning, will be disabled, it will allow to stop by-products disposal into the atmosphere.
Economically, new equipment will allow for partial recycling lubricating and cooling fluids for production purposes, therefore reducing expenses to purchase these substances. Transportation earlier used for carrying this type of waste will be made available to other business units.
New oils and emulsions purification equipment is a preferred alternative to having a new accumulator of used oils and emulsions, the construction of which was discussed earlier. The accumulator's cost was estimated at about 50 million rubles.
The unit of purification of oils and emulsions is not the only environmental protection equipment, which Severstal will launch this year. The company is expected to launch a new gas recovery unit, which is being built with the dusulfurization equipment in the converter shop. It will service not only new facilities bur also the existing parts of the shop.