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Rosseti Volga

November 18, 2014

Chuvashenergo struggles against electric power thefts

In 2014, Chuvashenergo, a branch of IDGC of Volga, JSC (a member of Rosseti Group of Companies) performed 128,518 scheduled checks and 22 raids involving specialists of Chuvashenergo Security Department to prevent non-contracted and unaccounted power consumption in the districts of the Chuvash Republic. Currently, Chuvashenergo detected 435 cases of illegal power consumption. In 2013, the total reported amount of non-contracted and unaccounted power consumption within the area of responsibility of Chuvashenergo exceeded 984,069 kWh, with estimated damages amounting to about 1,108.272 thousand rubles. Hence, the relations with unfair electricity consumers became a matter of special concern. To increase efficiency of customer-oriented activities and trace new locations of illegal power consumption practices among residential consumers, the Security Department of the branch established strong lines of communication with authorized police officers of regional Departments of Internal Affairs. Chuvashenergo, a branch of IDGC of Volga, JSC, launches unscheduled raids to detect unfair consumers throughout the Chuvash Republic on a regular basis. Power specialists participating in this campaign talk to people trying to convince them to consume electricity in a responsible and fair way reminding them that as any other services the supply of electricity, an important component of our daily life, should be fully paid without delay according to the contract. We should note that unauthorized power consumption deteriorates power quality. For reference: in December 2013, the law introduced much tougher administrative penalties for electricity theft. Pursuant to Federal Law No. 136-FZ “On Amending Articles 7.19 and 9.11 of the RF Administrative Offense Code” dated November 25, 2013, the law imposes increased penalties for electrical theft crimes occurring through meter tampering, bypassing meters, and tapping power lines: for individuals – from 1,500-2,000 rubles up to 3,000-4,000 rubles, for officials – from 3,000-4,000 rubles up to 6,000-8,000 rubles; for legal entities – from 30,000-40,000 rubles up to 60,000-80,000 rubles. It should be noted that the utility companies have teamed up with residents to help raise awareness of this serious issue. More and more residents report suspected electricity-related criminal activities by calling the hotline organized by the Department of Security of Chuvashenergo, a branch of IDGC of Volga, JSC. Socially conscious consumers may contact the Company on (8352) 39-93-03 and report detected cases of illegal connection to power transmission lines, meter tampering and bypassing, usage of homemade electrical heaters, etc. Power specialists remind that legitimate and civilized power consumption practice is a key to sustainable and reliable power supply for all consumers in the Chuvash Republic.




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