The participants of the meeting have arranged to consider variants of the location of the training ground.
In Saint-Petersburg there took place a meeting of the administration of IDGC of North-West, JSC with president of power company “Yauda” (Latvia) Yanis Shimens. A possibility of arrangement of the scientific and research proof ground for training of the personnel of electric and grid companies, students of main institutes of higher education was discussed at this meeting.
The Latvian part offers to establish a field study center at the basis of one of the Russian educational facilities. The proof ground is going to be equipped with equipment of SC “Yauda” (transformer substations and electrical and technical facilities).
The financing of the joint project is planned in the framework of the program of the European instrument of neighborliness and partnership aimed at supporting the transboundary cooperation.
The location of the training ground could be a ground of Saint-Petersburg State Technical University or Polytechnic Institute in Pskov. A possible base was also Vologda where training center “Energetic” functions, which has a training ground used for the training of the personnel to practically all the skills and competitions of the workmanship. The meeting’s participants arranged to consider and discuss variants.
One of the objectives of such a partnership is integration of the world experience in the development of the domestic distribution electric grid complex and strengthening of its personnel potential.
This theme is topical and is being discussed at the international level. In May 2010 summit Global Russian Business Meeting is planned to be held in Slovenia. It’s devoted to the development of concepts by putting of the Russian companies at the level of the global business. One of four sessions will be devoted to human resources, difference of labor practices in Russia and in the West. Director General of IDGC of Northwest, JSC Alexander Kukhmay is invited to take part in the summit.