On the occasion of Metallurgist Day 2020, the professional holiday of steel and mining industry, Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works launched a pilot project – “MMK Tour. Virtual excursions of MMK”.
Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works is among the leaders in the industrial tourism field in Russia, developing it since 2018 when several fascinating routes, designed for both adults and children, were organized at MMK’s production site. Tours of MMK have everything to persistently attract tourists of all generations: history of legendary Magnitogorsk, vivid impressions of the production processes’ power and scale, beauty of melted metal, modern-day technological innovations, meticulously organized tours meeting all possible safety requirements and lots of interesting information. More than 10 thousand people took tours of MMK since the industrial tourism project was launched in 2018.
Now we bring to your attention the first video excursion fr om the “MMK-Tour” series, which is dedicated to the first square of Magnitogorsk, the Komsomolskaya square, wh ere the MMK central office (the plant’s headquarters) and the first entrance to MMK are situated. Through our virtual journey, you will get to know that the same Soviet architect who would later design the Moscow State University building on Sparrow Hills designed the Komsomolskaya Square too, that on this very square citizens waved goodbye to the soldiers marching to the front during the Great Patriotic War and hosted the Victory Parade of 1945 and that there were three monuments succeeding each other on the square throughout its 90-year-old history. You will find all this information and much more in our first video excursionwhich is available at MMK corporate website.