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October 4, 2011

Results of the Board of Directors meeting

JSC RusHydro (ticker symbol: RTS, MICEX, LSE: HYDR; OTCQX: RSHYY) announces the results of the Board of Directors meeting that took place September 30, 2011.


The Board of Directors approved an agreement for technological information exchange concluded between RusHydro and JSC FGC UES. This Agreement is aimed at enhancing the operation reliability and efficiency of generating facilities and at providing the efficient operation and centralized technological management of hydro-power facilities. In particular, it will allow enhancing the quality of planned equipment shutdowns in order to carry out repairs at the power generating facilities thus making it possible to use the HPP / PSPP water resources more efficiently and to reduce accident elimination time in the electricity grids and speed the exchange of advanced operational experience for modern electric installations. This Agreement does not involve any financial obligations and is not connected with transfer of any property (property rights).


The Board of Directors approved the conclusion of agreements between RusHydro's subsidiary - The Corporate University of Hydropower and JSC Irkutskenergo qualified as interested party transactions. The purpose of these transactions is to allow the Corporate University to organize and hold the practical seminars on vital issues of hydro-power engineering or any other issues related to the activities of generating companies during 2011.


The Board of Directors approved the agreements on regulation of relations between RusHydro and the members of the Company's Board of Directors, who are not state officials and have been elected to the Board of Directors at the initiative of the Federal Property Management Agency.

These Agreements are concluded for the period of authorities assigned to the members of the Board of Directors in accordance with a decision of the General Shareholder meeting. The current effective RusHydro's Board of Directors to the number of 13 people was elected at the annual general shareholder meeting held on June 30th, 2011.


The Board of Directors charged the Management Board of JSC RusHydro to develop economic efficient indicators reflecting the reduction of purchase costs of goods (works, services) per product unit by no less than 10 percent annually within the next three years in real prices of 2010.

Documentation development is a part of the systematic work carried out by RusHydro in order to optimize its business activities and is aimed at enhancing the company's business efficiency.

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