At its meeting held on 19 November, ALROSA’s Supervisory Board reviewed the matters related to the Company’s day-to-day operations. The agenda included 8 items, with decisions made on all of them.
The Supervisory Board approved the updated budget of Public Joint Stock Company ALROSA for 2015. The budget was revised in line with the changes in the diamond market and macroeconomic factors, including inflation and currency exchange rates. ALROSA’s diamond production plan was kept unchanged at 38 mln carats, with the sales budget revised to reflect the level of the global diamond market activity.
It was resolved to appoint Andrey Cherepnov, ALROSA’s Chief Engineer from June 2015, as a member of the Executive Committee.
The Supervisory Board also approved a number of documents, including the Regulations on the quality management system of Public Joint Stock Company ALROSA, Regulations on the Innovations Development and Technological Upgrade Programme set-up and implementation, and Regulations on the investment and operating efficiency improvement and cost reduction.