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February 16, 2004

Japanese consumers of potash fertilizers got acquainted with the new technology of products transportation introduced by "Uralkali"

Representatives of Japanese largest agricultural company "Zen-Noh" and its trade branch "Unico" visited "Uralkali". The visit was aimed to discuss the cooperation possibilities with "Uralkali" management and to get acquainted with a new technology of potash chloride packing and transportation.

Today Russian producers deliver fertilizers to the Far East in wagons. The quality of products deteriorates as rust can penetrate into the fertiliser due to the contact with the wagon walls. "Uralkali" suggests a new technology of shipment in soft containers. Even during a month-long transportation the highest quality of the product is maintained. Containers made of a dense synthetic fabric (dacron) provide a reliable protection from precipitation, withstand sevenfold overweight and allow to unload the cargo within minutes.

According to Vladislav Baumgertner, Commercial Director of "Uralkali" application of the new shipment technology is profitable not only to the consumers, but to the Company as well. Transportation of products in soft contains allows to make better use of available open wagons and to cut down the transportation costs.

Japan is a price-maker for potash fertilizers in such countries of Southeast Asia as China, India, Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand. "Zen-Noh" supplies Japanese farmers with imported equipment and fertilizers. In 2002 the annual turnover of the company made 50 million dollars. More than a thousand agricultural co-operatives make part of "Zen-Noh".

"This new market outlet is very promising, very wealthy from the viewpoint of traditions and pricing for suppliers, - says Maxim Bakshinskiy, "Uralkali" General Director. - We are not yet present there, but following our strategy to develop all markets and to make products of "Uralkali" available all over the world, we maintain close contacts with the region. One of the delegation members has already visited "Uralkali" and knows what products were made in the early 90-ies. The quality improved considerably since that time, so we have more chances to sell top-grade fertilizers on beneficial terms. We showed and explained everything to the Japanese experts, we described the plans for development and demonstrated new technologies of transportation. Our guests acknowledged that our company and the strategy of its development meet contemporary requirements. We shall do our best to access the Japanese market, to establish ourselves there and to increase the volume of sales".




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