In IDGC of Volga, JSC, meeting was held devoted to summarizing results of autumn-winter period and making plans of actions for preparation for work in 2010-2011 autumn – winter period. In the past autumn-winter period efforts of collective had been provided a reliable and stable electrical supply of all seven regions of company’s work. The last months were characterized by long influence of abnormal low temperatures and the ice-storm phenomena. The period of ice formation lasted from November, 2009 till March, 2010 and was characterized by a fog, hoarfrost, intense sticking of sleet to wires and cables of transmission lines of all classes of voltage. Peculiarity of ice-formation was sharp decrease of external air temperature to20–25 o C. Such low temperatures considerably complicated ice-struggle. Air lines in the territory of Saratov, Ulyanovsk, Orenburg and partly Penza areas have undergone strong ice-formation. In the territory of Mordovian Republic "dancing" of wires was observed. All in all during the autumn-winter period on wires and cables of air-lines of electric lines transmission 585 ice melting were arranged. This is for 30 % exceeds indicators of the previous period. During preparation for the 2009-2010 autumn-winter period a number of the objects, made essential impact on its passage has been launched into operation. In the territory of Saratov region there has passed reconstruction of transmission line «TEC-2 – TEC-3» with replacement of a wire and insulators. In Ulyanovsk region substation Baranovka has been reconstructed. New transformer and the equipment of switching centers has been established. On substation Rabochaya in Saransk the second starting complex with the new transformer ha been constructed. To decrease the level of breakdown susceptibility 554 schemes of of ice melting has been tested. The special attention was paid to increase of skills of the personnel in the conditions of low temperatures. With this goal it has been spent in up to 450 trainings. Absence of accidents in the 2009-2010 autumn-winter period became the result of purposeful preparation of the personnel, maintenance with its necessary means of an individual defence. The company has achieved the same result as during autumn-winter period 2008–2009. Following the results of the last autumn-winter period and within the limits of preparation for the forthcoming the complex of actions is planned. Among them is survey of air-lines, submerged to influence of ice-wind loadings and "dancing" of wires, carrying out warmvision inspections of electroinstallations of distribution networks of 6-10 kilovolt voltage , carrying out of the mechanized clearing of glades of air-lines of transmission air lines. Expenses for programs of repair, reconstruction and modernization are planned above similar indicators of 2009.