Board of Directors of TGC-1 has set the date of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of shareholders. It will take place June 28th 2010 in St. Petersburg. To be eligible to exercise voting rights at the AGM shareholders must be included in Register of shareholders as at the end of Thursday, May 12th 2010.
Matters on the agenda of the AGM:
- Approval of the Company’s Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year 2009;
- Resolution on distribution of the Company’s profit for 2009;
- Election of the Company's Board of Directors;
- Election of the Company’s Auditor and Audit Committee
- et al.
Candidates for election to the Company’s Board of Directors at the AGM include:
Name |
Position |
Shareholder proposing the candidate |
1 |
Boris Vainzikher |
General Director of JSC «TGC-1» |
Gazprom Energoholding |
2 |
Irina Grave |
Vice President of Fortum (mergers and acquisitions) |
Fortum |
3 |
Andrey Drachuk |
Head of Economic Analysis of Investment Projects of JSC «System Operator-Central Dispatch Administrator of the Unified Energy System of Russia» |
Gazprom Energoholding |
4 |
Alexander Dushko |
Deputy Head of Finance and Business-planning Department of JSC «Gazprom» |
Gazprom Energoholding |
5 |
Valentin Kazachenkov |
General Director of LLC «Peterburgregiongaz» |
Gazprom Energoholding |
6 |
Kari Kautinen |
Vice President of Fortum (mergers and acquisitions) |
Fortum |
7 |
Alexey Mityushov |
General Director of JSC «OGK-6» |
Gazprom Energoholding |
8 |
Kirill Seleznev |
Board member, Head of Marketing, Gaz and Liquid Hydrocarbons Processing of JSC «Gazprom» |
Gazprom Energoholding |
9 |
Alexey Sergeev |
Vice-Governor of Saint-Petersburg |
Gazprom Energoholding |
10 |
Artur Trinoga |
Deputy Head of Electric Power Sector Development and Marketing of JSC «Gazprom» |
Gazprom Energoholding |
11 |
Denis Fedorov |
Head of Electric Power Sector Development and Marketing of JSC «Gazprom», General Director of LLC «Gazprom Energoholding» |
Gazprom Energoholding |
12 |
Mikhail Hodurskiy |
Chairman of the Board of CJSC «Gazenergoprombank» |
Gazprom Energoholding |
13 |
Alexander Chuvaev |
Executive Vice President of Fortum, Russia Division; General Director of JSC «Fortum» (Russia) |
Fortum |
14 |
Pavel Shatskiy |
Acting First Deputy General Director of LLC «Gazprom Energoholding» |
Gazprom Energoholding |