The Board of Directors decided to consider expedient to introduce the business enterprise management system (ERP) based on the Oracle E-Business Suite software, and approved the terms and conditions of the license system supply contract.
To construct the corporate information system, Oracle E-Business Suite 2003 Professional, a semifunctional integrated software complex produced by the Oracle Corporation, was selected.
The "Open Technologies" Company was selected the principal system project integrator that shall provide for the development and implementation of the project plan, coordination of work to be carried out by various contractors, uniform application methodology, compliance with a single technical policy, and for the supervision of quality of the job performance.
The implementation of the uniform corporate management system at PJSC CenterTelecom will enable to ensure efficient finance, logistics and production management, speed up the process of data collection and handling, business planning and budgeting, and to manage human resources thereof.
In praesenti, diverse information systems are functioning at the PJSC CenterTelecom constituent companies. Introduction of the Oracle E-Business Suite product will afford a possibility of creating a reach-through solution to control business processes at all levels of the organizational framework of the Company. The process of introducing the ERP-System into PJSC CenterTelecom operational infrastructure is figured for 2–3 years.
PJSC CenterTeleom, largest telecommunications company, was established on 30 November 2002 by associating 17 regional telecom operators of the Central Federal District of Russia.
PJSC "Svyazinvest" is the major CenterTelecom shareholder owning the 50.1% block of the voting shares.
Currently, the PJSC CenterTelecom's top-management attention is focused on implementing the corporate restructuring program that aims to create a management system capable of ensuring efficient functioning and dynamic development of this business entity. The core and fundamental element of the corporate restructuring plan is to bring up-to-date information systems into the Company.