Net profit of JSC Concern “Kalina” at the end of 1 quarter 2003 increased in comparison with the same period of last year 2.77 times and amounts 218 691 thousand rubles.
Main showings of JSC Concern “Kalina” (thousand rubles):
1 quarter 2003 1 quarter 2002
Revenue net of VAT 1 317 539 962 376
Cost of goods sold 660 008 594 369
EBIT 290 355 133 462
Income tax 71 664 54 645
Net income 218 691 78 817
Authorized capital amounts
585543560 rubles, number of ordinary shares with nominal 70 rubles – 8364908. The largest shareholder of Concern is it’s General Director Timur Goryaev who owns 66.04% of authorized capital. European Bank of Reconstruction and Development owns 19.23% in authorized capital of Concern.
In the structure of Concern enters parent enterprise in Ekaterinburg, factory in Omsk and also subsidiary “Pallada Vostok” (Uzbekistan), subsidiary “Torzhok” (Ukraine), subsidiary “Pallada-Ukraine” (Ukaraine), subsidiary “Novoplast” (Ekaterinburg), JSC “Lola atir Upa” (Uzbekistan), Kalina Overseas Holding B.V. (Netherlands).
Additional information you can receive at press-secretary of Concern “Kalina” Sergey Kazancev, tel/fax: (3432) 65-83-06,