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May 19, 2010

On meeting dedicated to Yakutia Gas Production Center development

Alexander Ananenkov, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee held at the Company’s headquarters a meeting dedicated to the Yakutia Gas Production Center development.

Taking part in the meeting were Vsevolod Cherepanov, Member of the Management Committee – Head of the Gas, Gas Condensate and Oil Production Department of Gazprom; heads and experts from Gazprom’s specialized subdivisions, Gazprom invest Vostok, Gazprom neft shelf, Gazprom dobycha Noyabrsk, Gazprom bureniye, Gazprom VNIIGAZ, VNIPIgazdobycha, Gazprom promgaz , TyumenNIIgiprogaz, as well as the Oil and Gas Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The meeting participants addressed the progress with engineering operations in the Chayanda field, which is a cornerstone for the Yakutia Gas Production Center formation. Particular attention was paid to the field development plan, taking into account the specific geological structure and the complex composition of gas containing helium, along with other components. Optimal engineering solutions for highly efficient hydrocarbons recovery from this unique field are identified at the stage of the field development plan preparation.

The meeting emphasized that the field development plan was nearing completion. This summer it is projected to review the field development plan at the meeting of Gazprom’s Gas Industry Commission for Field Development and Subsurface Use.

Based on the meeting results, Gazprom’s specialized subdivisions and subsidiary companies were tasked to ensure timely execution of the Chayanda field development project.



In September 2007 the Development Program for an integrated gas production, transportation and supply system in Eastern Siberia and the Far East, taking into account potential gas exports to  China and other Asia-Pacific countries (Eastern Gas Program) was adopted by  the order of the Russian Federation Industry and Energy Ministry. Gazprom was appointed by the Russian Government as the Program execution coordinator.

New gas production centers will be established in Eastern Russia: the Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Yakutia, Kamchatka and Sakhalin Centers.

Gazprom is active in creating the Yakutia Gas Production Center based on the Chayanda field.

In accordance with the Russian Federation Government Directive of April 16, 2008 Gazprom, as the owner of the Unified Gas Supply System, became the Chayanda oil, gas and condensate field operator.

The Chayanda field is situated in the Lensk District, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The field’s C1+C2 reserves make up 1.24 trillion cubic meters of gas and 68.4 million tons of oil and condensate (recoverable).

So far, engineering-geological and geodetic studies have been performed, exploratory wells are being drilled, 2D and 3D seismic survey is in  progress.

It is projected to bring the Chayanda field oil rim into operation in 2014 and the gas deposits – in 2016. In order to ensure the extracted gas transmission, Gazprom is planning to start the Yakutia – Khabarovsk – Vladivostok gas transmission system (GTS) construction upon completion of the first stage of the Sakhalin – Khabarovsk – Vladivostok GTS.

Engagement of all regional gas resources will be essential for efficient development of the Yakutia Gas Production Center and optimal loading of the Yakutia – Khabarovsk – Vladivostok GTS. Therefore, the Federal Subsurface Use Agency was requested to grant Gazprom the subsurface rights for the Srednetyungskoye, Tas-Yuryakhskoye, Sobolokh-Nedzhelinskoye and Verkhnevilyuchanskoye fields listed as the fields of federal significance.




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