Overall, in the four months of 2008 MMK turned out 492,400 tons of ready-to-use iron ore, (87.9% against the same period of last year), 3,618,7 tons of sinter (107.5%), 1,941,000 tons of coke (110.4%), 3,433,800 tons of pig iron (110.1%), 4,753,300 tons of crude steel (110.8%), 4,599,600 tons of rolled steel (111%),and 4,345,900 of commercial products (110%).
In the production of core steel products MMK has been the leader among the Russian and CIS steel mills in the first four months of 2008 turning out 18.8% of all crude steel and 20.5% of all commercial products produced in the nation.
In 2008 MMK has consolidated its positions on the domestic market, with the share of April’s export shipments standing at 33.1% of the total shipments. Overall, in January through April of 2008 MMK exported 36.2% of its products, while the figure for the same period of 2007 was 38.6%.