Except thematic conference in Beijing, visiting of three factories in the cities of Baodin and Chinhuangdao is planned.
The deputy Director general on logistics and material support of JSC «IDGC of North-West» Anatoly Ignatyev as a part of the Russian delegation of experts from Moscow, St.-Petersburg and Irkutsk will visit China from June, 3 till June, 6th. During visit the delegation from Russia consisting of 27 persons will participate in conference in Beijing, during which A.Ignatev will make a presentation of the company.
Next day the Russian experts in the city of Baoding will visit the enterprise for production of the equipment for transfer and distribution of the electric power "Tjanvej Baobjan", later will examine production of SGIS of joint company Mitshubishi Tianwei.
Also visiting of a city of Chinwangtao and acquaintance with production of transformer factory Tjanvej of Chinwangtao is planned.