Board of Directors of PJSC LSR Group approved the date and the place of Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting.
Date of meeting: April 5, 2016. Time of meeting: 11:00 am (Moscow time). Place of meeting: conference-hall, 1 Nevsky, St. Petersburg. Start of registration of persons entitled to attend the General Shareholders’ Meeting: 10:00 am (Moscow time). Address for sending filled-in voting ballots: 36 Kazanskaya str. lit. B, office 713, St. Petersburg, 190031. Record date for the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting: February 17, 2016. The Meeting agenda as well as the process of documents’ review and the address where they are available, will be determined by the Board of Directors after the deadline for proposals regarding items to be included into the agenda, defined by the Company’s Charter.
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