Director General of the company Alexander Kuhmaj will tell about practice and development of a direction within the limits of official events of XIV Petersburg international economic forum.
On June, 17-19th the Petersburg international economic forum which is traditionally passing with support of the president of the Russian Federation will take place. Director general of IDGC Holding Nikolay Shvets who will arrive to Petersburg as a part of the official delegation will participate in a Forum’s job. Working meetings and signing of agreements with the Russian and foreign partners, including, in sphere of realization of investment projects are planned.
Within the limits of the official program of the Forum will pass a round table «Smart grid - Smart power – Smart economy», devoted to problems of introduction of the newest technologies in electric power industry. The special report within the limits of a round table will be made by Director general of IDGC of the North-West Alexander Kukhmay.
Since 2005 in the branches of IDGC of the North-West elements of «Smart grid » which extend in three directions are already used. It is the automation of control of consumption providing introduction of systems and gauges of electric parameters of a network, installation of devices of the account of power resources, software solutions on processing of measuring signals for acceptance of administrative decisions.
As Alexander Kukhmay has told, for the last five years on power objects of a network complex of the North-West, in all branches in a zone of responsibility of IDGC control centers of networks are created, 22 regional dispatcher’s offices works, it was realized the telemechanization of 472 units of ÒS 110 êV and 582 units of ÒS 35 kV. More than 50 reclosers installed in a network complex of region allow to carry out automation of distribution grids.
- Taking into account a real status in electric power industry working out of the new concept of innovative development "Smart grid " is necessary, - Alexander Kukhmay considers.
Is the intellectualization of existing grids an alternative to the complex global grid modernization in general - it is necessary to discuss to power engineering specialist, representatives of authority and business, science and production within the limits of forthcoming discussions of a round table.