Capital investments of "Vologdaenergo" in reconstruction of SS 35/6 êV "Pahomovskaya" in 2010 will constitute 48 million rubles.
The branch of JSC «IDGC of North-West» "Vologdaenergo" finishes the first stage of reconstruction of substation 35/6 êV "Pahomovskaya", situated in Vytegorsky district. The power object is included into the list of prime actions for maintenance of reliability and development of an electronetwork complex of Vologda region for 2008-2012.
During reconstruction on SS "Pahomovskaya" were fully competed the jobs on dismantle of the equipment of the open switching centre (OSC) 35 kV. Besides, at substation are finished jobs on the arrangement of system of oil receivers and installation of ground loop at the territory of OSC -35 kV.
Installation at the territory of object of two power transformers with capacity 4 ÌWÀ becomes a following stage of reconstruction of substation. Currently, the contractor of jobs executes dismantle of two existing transformers with application of lifting engineering. Installation of new transformers is scheduled for July, 2010.
Capital investments of "Vologdaenergo" in reconstruction of substation 35/6 êV "Pahomovskaya" which is one of the basic objects of the investment program of the power company in 2010 will constitute 48 million rubles.
Commissioning of power object is scheduled for the 4 quarter of a current year. Realization of reconstruction of SS 35/6 êV "Pahomovskaya" will allow to increase reliability of an electrical supply of consumers of Vytegorsky district, and also will ensure possibility of joining of additional capacities.