On May 20, 2011, the Executive Committee of the Company met in Moscow chaired by ALROSA’s President Fedor Andreev.
The members of the Executive Committee considered preparation of its transportation and supply structures to the 2011 navigation. The total navigation supply is to exceed 386 tons in 2011. The Executive Committee instructed related subdivisions, services and subsidiaries of the Company to ensure indisputable compliance with the navigation supply plan of materials and technical resources this year.
The Executive Board considered and approved a program of the main geological exploration directions of OJSC ALROSA till 2018. The program provides for an enhanced scope of exploration activities and a clarified list of applied survey methods. Under the program, a wide-scale technical modernization of geological exploration facilities will be undertaken and a unified automated system will be built for processing geological and geodetic information and supporting exploration activities.
In the mentioned period, a strategic exploration direction will be to intensify large-scale (detailed) and medium-scale exploration activities. In West Yakutia, detailed exploration will concentrate within operation zones of the Nyurba, Aikhal and Mirny mining and processing divisions. In the Arkhangelsk Region in the North-West of Russia, detailed exploration activities will be implemented to enhance the mineral basis of the Lomonosovsky mining and processing division. Till 2018, it is planned to list over 430 million carats of diamonds in the fixed assets of the ALROSA Group. When implemented, the program will not just replenish the mineral basis of the Company but also ensure additional growth in its resources over the period by more than 100 million carats. (Reference: the previous program enabled replenishment of ALROSA’s mineral basis by only 70%, due to lack of technical and production facilities).
The members of the Executive Committee considered a feasibility study of investments into OAO (open joint-stock company) «GMK «Timir». It was decided to accept the «Feasibility Study of Investments into Tayozhnoye, Desovskoye, Tarynkhannskoye and Gorkitskoye Iron-Ore Deposits». The «Yakutniproalmaz» Institute and OAO «GMK «Timir» were instructed to continue working on feasibility studies of permanent exploration conditions of the deposits with regard to building a metal works complex.
The Executive Committee took notice of submitted information about the construction progress of the Lomonosovsky mining and processing subdivision in OAO «Severalmaz». ALROSA’s representatives in the management structures of the company got instructions to ensure implementation of all the activities as included into the design and construction schedules and commissioning of the second module of the processing factory in the second half of 2013.
The Executive Committee made changes to the normative documents of the Company related to the changed type of the ALROSA Joint-Stock Company.
The Executive Committee considered a number of other issues of current and future activities.