Moscow, 18 July. Please find below the Statement by Member of the Management Board of RAO "UES of Russia" Andrey Trapeznikov in connection with the misinformation that appeared in certain news media alleging that the General Prosecutor's office intends to continue its investigation into the privatization of shareholding in OAO "Novosibirskenergo".
In view of the current unstable market situation caused by the inspection of YUKOS Company by the General Prosecutor's Office, we call upon all mass media to act responsibly when publishing information received from anonymous sources regarding the relationships between the law enforcement bodies and corporate entities.
The recent events have shown that such "sensations" based on information from sources who do not identify themselves turn out to be bubbles. However, they adversely affect the capitalization of individual companies and the Russian stock market as a whole.
At the same time, one cannot rule out that the undisguised misinformation spread by the media may be guided by ulterior motives. Throughout last year we witnessed an information war unleashed against the management of RAO "UES of Russia", which adversely affected the performance of the energy utility's securities. That campaign was accompanied by active purchase of shares in RAO "UES of Russia".