Uralsvyazinform revenues in the first half of 2003 are estimated to be USD278,8 mln (+27,3% as compared to 1H2002). Revenues from telecommunication services as of 1H2003 are constituted by domestic and international long-distance telephony 42,1%, urban telephony -31,8%, mobile telephony* 7,0%, new telecommunication services (Internet, intelligent network, ISDN) 3,5%. * revenues from 100% owned business (GSM 900/1800, NMT 450i).
Operating expenses are expected at USD205,7 mln (+29,9%). In general the expenses structure in 1H2003 is as follows:
- wages 40,5%; - depreciation 14,3%; - materials costs 6,0%; - Rostelecom interconnect fees 12,8% - other expenses 26,4%.
Thus, provisionally as of 1H2003 EBITDA is expected to be USD101,7 mln. (+22,1%), operating profit USD73,2 mln. (+20,5%), pre-tax profit USD35,8 mln. (+57,5%), net profit USD24,3 mln. (+68,7%).
The domestic long-distance traffic in 1H2003 amounted to 886 mln minutes (+25% as compared to 1H2002), international traffic 58 mln minutes (+16%). The total subscribers number of fixed-line network as of July 1, 2003 amounted to 3,0 mln., 2,7 mln of which represent urban network and 0,3 mln pertain to rural network. The overall fixed-line subscriber base grew by 88,5 thousand since the beginning of 2003.
The number of employees in the first half of 2003 decreased to 37 thous. (-2,8 % as compared to 1H2002).
The installed capacity of mobile networks at the end of 1H2003 totaled 919 thous. numbers. read on (PDF)