On 18 July 2003, a presentation of a soft and hardware integrated system that makes up a unified full scale electronic office of the Ivanovo Region branch of the Russian Federation Pension Fund was held in Ivanovo, the capital-city of the region. The event was sponsored by the RF Pension Fund, PJSC CenterTelecom, Diamand Communications Company, and by the Ivanovo Region Administration.
In the course of the pension reform, it is imperative to provide for maintaining a database embracing 110 mln. of both today’s pensioners and pensioner’s to-be (“insured persons”), and covering all legal persons making allocations to the Pension Fund. Actualizing data bases, computations and crediting amounts to pensioners’ and insured persons’ accounts have to be effected on-line. All prospective pensioners are required to provide annually authentic information as to the availability of funds on the their accounts. This sizable work can only be done resting on the information technologies based on up-to-date telecommunications infrastructures.
In the Ivanonvo Region, the Pension Fund branch office management installed 150 personal computers. The system integrator, i.e. the Diamand Communications Company, formalized the procedures, designed and equipped technically the electronic office system.
The Ivanovo telecom, PJSC CenterTelecom constituent company, created an information and transport environment for the system, which is an overlay corporate data network. PJSC CenterTelecom’s sharing in the project is not the most lucrative undertaking from the business point of view. However, the social directiveness of the project and significant co-effect of the speediest implementation of the pension reform which is vital to the vast majority of the inhabitants of the region, were taken into account by the Company.
The setting-up of the network enabled to arrange the operation of the soft and hardware personalized register system in the remote access mode and bring nearer the personalized register work-seats to the places of residence of the insured persons, and to establish counseling offices at the places nearest the insured persons and pensioners locations. Already today, there occurred a possibility of monitoring the work with insured persons’ applications, those of pensioners, organizations and insurers, of prompt resolution of issues of any complicacy with the involvement of a few Pension Fund branch officers only regardless of their whereabouts. And this is just a start.
The creation of the electronic office of the Ivanovo Region branch of the RF Pension Fund is one of the segments of the «Electronic Russia” Federal Program which exemplifies most vividly its front burner topicality and social significance, and shows the ways of its full-scale translating into reality.