Gazprom’s Management Committee discussed the actions aimed at enhancement of the materials and technical supply (MTS) of the Company’s subsidiaries and organizations.
The Management Committee approved the MTS system based on agency agreements between Gazprom’s subsidiaries and Gazcomplectimpex as well as on supply agreements between Gazcomplectimpex and the MTS suppliers signed on the basis of bid results.
The MTS system approved by the Management Committee should result in costs reduction in the MTS supply, in increasing deals transparency, in promptness, completeness and quality of supplies.
Development of a universal products quality control system is an important component of material and technical supply in the Gazprom Group of companies Due to this, the Management Committee gave instructions to corresponding departments of Gazprom to make up and submit for approval a package of the quality management system standards based on the international standards. The said standards should include the requirements specific for the commodities supplied to the gas industry and should ensure elaboration of a unified approach to the commodities’ quality.
The Competition Commission, the Tender Committee and Gazcomplectimpex are entrusted with the task to develop draft provisions of E-bid for suppliers of goods, works and services needed to Gazprom and its subsidiaries.
In 2002, Gazcomplektimpex was authorized as the MTS general supplier to Gazprom’s subsidiaries and organizations. Just in 2003, 72% of the total volume of goods purchased for Gazprom’s subsidiaries was delivered through Gzcomplectimpex.
In 2004, much work was done in Gazprom in order to improve the material and technical supply of the Company’s subsidiaries. On July 1, the Directors’ Board approved the Provisions of the orders’ placement for goods delivery, works execution, services rendering on competition basis in the interest of Gazprom and its subsidiaries; first tenders were held; goods purchase planning and funding system is being changed.
Gazcomplectimpex has been carrying out its activities on the basis of agency agreements in preceding years.
Since 2004 Gazcomplectimpex started a systematic transition to supply agreements with suppliers.
Today Gazcomplectimpex is going to proceed as follows: to conclude agency agreements with Gazprom’s subsidiaries and supply agreements with the MTS supplier according to bid results.