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December 4, 2019

IFES-2019 Participants Discussed Introduction of Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Analytics

Yevgeny Grabchak, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, stressed the relevance of the topic announced at the round table. He noted that, at the initial stage of the introduction of artificial intelligence in the fuel and energy sector, in parallel with the development of high technologies, no less efforts should be devoted to working with staff.

"People need to change their culture of attitude to artificial intelligence, the culture of digitalization. "In this regard, Rosseti, with its large team, could be our good partner, which is actively involved in the field of digital transformation,” Yevgeny Grabchak said.

The roundtable participants shared their experience in introducing elements of predictive analytics in the electric power industry: the use of smart sensors at the facilities, the organization of a continuous flow of data to compile relevant reports, the construction of predictive models, and the simulation of the behavior of existing energy systems. 

Before the start of the round table, its participants were asked to answer a question in an interactive voting: what are the levels, to which artificial intelligence-based technologies are advisible to be introduced when managing technological processes in the electric grid compound until 2030? Almost 60% of respondents said that implementation is advisable at all levels, but people themselves must make the final decision.

Summing up the discussion, Konstantin Mikhailenko, the Director of the Digital Transformation Department at Rosseti noted that for the accelerated implementation of artificial intelligence technologies, amendments to the legislative framework are necessary, including the creation of “regulatory sandboxes” for quick testing of technologies and the right to make mistakes when “piloting” new solutions. Besides, an integrated approach needs to be introduced to data management in companies that are the basis of predictive analytics. More attention shall be paid to the audit and policy of operating this data. And, of course, employees themselves shall understand why digital technologies are being introduced. If the operating staff understands that digital transformation will reduce energy costs, do more work and free up time, digital technologies would be introduced much faster,” Konstantin Mikhailenko stressed.




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